I wanted to explain what’s at stake right now with the ecosystem of AI, and why I thought it was so important that I dropped everything to focus on consulting exclusively in this field.
The field of AI is undergiong a transformative shift as toy applications of image generation and text generation evolve from research curiosities to disruptive projects that impact many industries simultaneously. This pivotal moment, where theory meets reality in an explosive manner, continues to shape the future of industry and society.
At Nordic AI Ventures, we are dedicated to navigating and understanding this new world and emerging paradigm shift.
Our mission is twofold: assisting companies in understanding and adapting their business to these changes, and also closely following and comprehending the social and political impacts these changes have.
We are committed to providing information and support to advance the causes of decentralized, open, responsible, and democratized AI tools that can enhance the lives of everyone. We allocate part of our time and energy towards these goals, as we believe in driving positive and meaningful change through AI advancements.